Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. The best Christmas you could ever have would be to receive that free gift of salvation Jesus is just waiting to give you. You just have to acccept it. Won't you choose to accept him today!

God bless and keep you,
Your Mission builders.
John and Esther

Projects at home

We have been home for awhile, so after resting up John has worked on some church members homes and then took on putting up new lights in our church. After searching for some time, we found the lights we thought would be the most efficient, but also beautiful for our sanctuary. Thank you for all of those who helped John. We will be installing some more lights in another church after the holidays, along with helping on other church projects.
The lights we chose
Preparing to install

We are real pleased with the outcome, looks like these were always a part of the church

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Special Prayer request from Missionary In Chehalis, Wa

Hello, here is a special prayer request. This Mission point is very dear to our hearts as we were privileged to work on the church building with this mission. Please read the report and pray for this community.

Here is our town (Chehalis) where we live and serve as a misionary of the American Baptist Association. Please pray for us and the many families from Calvary Missionary Baptist Mission that have flood damage and have lost their homes.
The Missions Builiding is okay, only the Parking Lot is flooded and we praise the Lord so far we have not gotten any water into the building nor sanctuary. God is so good!!! Our Interstate 5 is thirteen feet under water in places and is completely closed down for 20 miles. Our community needs Christ and as we see this devistation may it burden our hearts for our neigbours and those we are close to so that we may share Christ before it is too late.

If you would like to contact us: my cell phone is (360-304-9840) service is intermittent
Sponsoring Church Missions Director: Rick Bailey cell phone: 805-320-9388
Please be in Prayer as we recover and heal from this tragedy. Please pray for our familes so we may minister to this community and show Jesus to Chehalis. 90% of people in Washington State do not attend Church anywhere and claim no religious affilitation. They are lost and in need of a Saviour...

Missionary Jason Rigby

Cornerstone MBC Reedsburg, Wisconsin

It was great to return to Reedsburg where we worked over 3 months on this building in 2006.
The Lord has really blessed this work

Discovery Time

Fall Colors in Wisconsin

Our Oct trip

Landmark Missionary Baptist church in Delta, Colorado where we sang and had sweet fellowship

Bro Ken Gilchrist, (Pastor) taking pictures of me as I took pictures of him

Fall in Colorado
We had a wonderful time fellowshipping with this church. Chapel Builders of Calif were able to work on this building in the summer of 2006

Friday, November 02, 2007

Heading home

Hello again , we will be heading home Sat a.m. Nov 3rd. Please pray for our safe travel.
We have been real busy here in Texas helping my Mother and Bill with several projects on the church and their house. Pray for some health issues here also.

We were able to sing and share our work in Delta, Co, Reedsburg,Wi and Greenville ,Tx and John has worked on the churches in Reedsburg and Midland.
We have had a good trip but are anxious to get home and there are building projects waiting our return.
Will update with pictures soon.
John and Esther

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Hi everyone, we have been home for awhile and other than some deputation work, we have been enjoying spending some time with family. We are heading out again on the 4th to Armona for the CMD (California Mission Developement) meeting. Then we are taking a trip cross country to visit family and also do some deputation in Colorado, Wisconsin and possibly Texas.
Pray for my Mom and Step-Dad in Texas and some health issues. John is going to do some electrical jobs in Wisconsin and Texas also. Pray for our safe travel.
God bless!

Friday, September 14, 2007


What have we been up to?

Well, finally I will try to catch up. We did not have Internet on this last trip, other than running to Starbucks to get e-mail.

Since working on the project in Porterville we have been home for VBS at our church and then headed to the church in Santa Paula, Calvary MBC to present our work with Redlands FMBC Builders. We then were invited to share in the Celebration of 45 years with the Landmark MBC in Lompoc, Ca. Then we headed back to Red Bluff, Ca to help on Bro and Sis. Tim Chambers home. While in Red Bluff we also shared our ministry with the church there and also Beacon MBC in Redding, Ca. You will see where most of our time was spent in Red Bluff where Richard and John worked on the Trusses and roof.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Porterville (cont)

cooking for a crowd

Stan loves to sheetrock
This large group came to work on the 21st from Armona, Pixley,Clovis, Fresno along with those already here working. What a time of fellowship along with working side by side with Brother's and Sister's in Christ

Porterville (cont)

relaxing after a long hot day of work
Insulation close to finished

Starting of sheetrock

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More Porterville

Bro Tom McCright, Pastor
Mike and Phil working on putting in Network wiring.
Bro Tom working on the plumbing
The other Bro Tom getting his hands on the plumbing

More pictures at Porterville

John and Patty Dillion
All those women that help cook, the food and fellowship has been wonderful
Tom & Charlotte Braddock and Billie Frakes. They have been here from the start of
Chapel Builders
Richard, Robyn and Billie

Sunday morning services

Monday, July 16, 2007

FMBC of Porterville, Ca

The Sanctuary is one of the oldest and most beautiful auditoriums