This has been a very busy year for us, but we absolutely love it. We love helping our churches remodel and clean up their facilities. God wants the best from us so why wouldn't he want his Sanctuary to look the best?
Here are opportunities for you to help us complete these projects. Here is the schedule from now until Jan 2011. If you can help us in any way we would appreciate any and all help.
Aug 21-28 Cornerstone MBC Walla Walla, Wa - Framing project
Sept 13-25th New Hope Landmark MBC Keyes, Ca New roof and exterior repair
Sept ? MBC Merced, Ca Soffit repairs
Oct 4-16 Landmark MBC Mojave, Ca Baptistry installation and framework
Oct 25-Nov 5 Calvary MBC Santa Paula, Ca Misc work, new doors, Drywall and foundation repair
Nov 8-20 Denair MBC Denair, Ca Major Electrical remodel
Dec 6-11 Lighthouse MBC LaHabra, Ca Window installation and Framing
Jan 17-29 FLMB Eureka, Ca major Electrical repair.