This is our church, and we are very proud to be members of it. Please pray for us as we seek a new pastor. This is where we will be working for a couple of weeks.
Before Chapel Builders arrived, Scott Kallner and helpers started painting the woodwork on the church building.
The building in the center and to the left was a Chapel Builders project which Bro. Howard Frakes led out in over 20 years ago.

A new coat of paint now Gray with green trim, formerly a steel blue.
This garden has been here awhile, but I can't look at this picture without remembering a very faithful Charter member who always kept the flower beds looking wonderful.
This is Sis. Lois Green's Memorial Garden.

This is our Sanctuary. Scott Kallner (our Nephew) and his helpers will be starting to paint the entire inside toward the end of the project.
*Look for pictures after the painting and remodeling is done

This cross is very special.
How can you look at any cross and not remember what the Lord has done for you?