Thursday, May 20, 2010

Project-Redlands Days 1 & 2

You will have to start from the bottom up for these to be in order.
NO they didn't have lunch first! Lol.
Lunch Time.
Thank you Carol and Kelly for taking on the planning of meals

We had a great turnout the first day

John planning out where the new sound booth will be built and Russ (from South Gate) unscrewing the pews.

Old entry to the church is now gone

Scott K will be back to paint it!

This is the office being turned into 2 offices.

From inside the Sanctuary the old entry to the church building doors have been removed and a wall is being built. Where it says Not an exit, a sign used to hang that said,

Old entrance to the church

Paul Bostain

Union Break!!!

Craig Stephen came over from LaHabra to help. Craig grew up in the Redlands church

Eric Stephens, first week back from Wisconsin. He is a very hard worker.

John doing what he does best, finding the access to the attic to start changing the electrical wires to their new location.

Demolition has begun!

Bro. Glenn and Russ Meek and Oscar

F.M.B.C of Redlands Remodeling project

This is our church, and we are very proud to be members of it. Please pray for us as we seek a new pastor. This is where we will be working for a couple of weeks. Before Chapel Builders arrived, Scott Kallner and helpers
started painting the woodwork on the church building.
The building in the center and to the left was a Chapel Builders project which Bro. Howard Frakes led out in over 20 years ago.

A new coat of paint now Gray with green trim, formerly a steel blue.

This garden has been here awhile, but I can't look at this picture without remembering a very faithful Charter member who always kept the flower beds looking wonderful.
This is Sis. Lois Green's Memorial Garden.

This is our Sanctuary. Scott Kallner (our Nephew) and his helpers will be starting to paint the entire inside toward the end of the project.

*Look for pictures after the painting and remodeling is done

This cross is very special.

How can you look at any cross and not remember what the Lord has done for you?

Project-Landmark M.B.C. South Gate

Pastor Michael Olson and Sis.Kathryn Olson....We love you!
To the right, the Spanish Sanctuary almost completely done. To the Left the Main Sanctuary, getting a facelift starting this week

The building in the center of the picture is the Annex(Discovery and Youth building) This building is to the right of the Spanish Sanctuary

Saying goodbye is always the hard.

Beautiful stain glass in the Main Sanctuary

Bro. Olson preaching

Bro. Russ Meek leading singing

Good fellowship, food and fun.

Russ and Dorthy Meek
New fan installed. John taught Bro. Russ how to install these so he can finish 4 or 5 more.

Bro. Mike is supervising, Russ and John installing the first fan.

Sis. Kathryn Olson fed us all week. (along with other church members)

Russ was Johns invaluable helper all week.
He couldn't have completed what they did without him. Thank you Russ!

New classroom fixtures

New lights for a very Dark hallway.

New kitchen light over coffee pot

We barely fit in their parking lot.

Spanish Sanctuary remodel complete. Isn't it beautiful?
I need to find my before pictures

Main Sanctuary has been pressure washed and the remodeling of it is starting this week.

This is Bro. Jose, a man who is attending the church and is heading up the remodeling.

Bro. Jose finishing up the painting of the trim

John running wiring for more kitchen plugs.

Installing new light fixtures in the annex, new fan lights were installed also, but will have to get pictures of them. My camera was acting up.

Installing a new Electrical panel in the annex(Discovery and youth building)