Thursday, May 20, 2010

Project-Redlands Days 1 & 2

You will have to start from the bottom up for these to be in order.
NO they didn't have lunch first! Lol.
Lunch Time.
Thank you Carol and Kelly for taking on the planning of meals

We had a great turnout the first day

John planning out where the new sound booth will be built and Russ (from South Gate) unscrewing the pews.

Old entry to the church is now gone

Scott K will be back to paint it!

This is the office being turned into 2 offices.

From inside the Sanctuary the old entry to the church building doors have been removed and a wall is being built. Where it says Not an exit, a sign used to hang that said,

Old entrance to the church

Paul Bostain

Union Break!!!

Craig Stephen came over from LaHabra to help. Craig grew up in the Redlands church

Eric Stephens, first week back from Wisconsin. He is a very hard worker.

John doing what he does best, finding the access to the attic to start changing the electrical wires to their new location.

Demolition has begun!

Bro. Glenn and Russ Meek and Oscar

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